the vet school

The students of 9th grade have gone to a weterinary college in pondy. So we took the bus from the school on 14,december at 2p.m. Our sciences teacher and our English teacher were coming with us . We were going to visit the anotomies of animals and birds. After 45 minutes we reached the college. Mr.Vishva, a student of that college had invited us to his college. We walked for 2Km. First we went to visit the bull's family and also there were some buffalos. Then we visited the white pigs,t he mice and the rats. And we were going to see the goats, malabar and the sheep in their pen. The hens, the cocks and the chiks. MR.Vishva asked to us who wanted to see a baby snake. All of us wanted to see one .He took a baby red sand boa out of his pocket. It was red. Some of our class took it in their hands. Finally we went to the museum departement.And we reach our school.

Posted by KOWSALYA

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