Thanks giving Message

Before finishing this year, I've to thank few people who made me happy this year, those people are Mr Great Grand Genius Vishva Chaitanya, our brainy english teacher Mme Mathis, our science teacher Mme Poissel, our classmates and this blog viewers. I've thanked this people so I cannot be disturbed in my vacations because i haven't thank you.

Thanks for ALL
I really love this sea turtle project
I really enjoyed this projoct because we walked at night
we so enjoyed ourselves on this beach.
so we are so sad because we didn't see a sea turtles.
and i want to thank the great Mme.Mathis and Mme.Poisell
ok bye guys........

Lamartine joseph 4°2
This experience was good because the parents were there and even if we didn't see any sea turtles we enjoyed to walked in the moonlight on the beach it was so exciting to search turtles.
Lucas Caudron 4°2

My golden moments!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think this was my best year!!!!!!
I loved very much the project we have done this year, the lessons...
The time we spent in the night walk and the conference. I thank very much the parents who spent their time to guide us and I thank very much Mr. Chaitanya to teach us everythink about the seaturtles. A very special thanks to our teacher Mme Mathis to give us an extraordinary projet.
I thank also our science teacher Mme Poissel who will unfortunately leave us this year!
We will miss you very much !!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVED VERY MUCH THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think my next year will be as good as it.

The year i loved so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2010 is the year i loved so much!!!!
i loved so much the porject on sea turtles. I really enjoied the conference and very very much our night walk in the beach. I thank Mme.Mathis, Mr.Chaitania and the parents who came with us to the night walk.And also Mme.Poissel our science teacher who live this year. I very enjoied my 4ème and i never forget this year and my friends in this class.


conclusion from viknesh, vicknèche

This project was an amasing project and thanks to our parents, Vet.vishwa, Mrs. mathis, Mrs. poissel . Now on this moment i will thanks to all my friends to work in this project and sait good buy to our blog and for Mrs. Poissel because she goes to France.

The end of the project

It is over, after a trimester of research even if it was fun. I had a great time studying about the sea turtles, I learned a lot about their nutrition, their habitat and the threats they faced, all of this with the help of our vet Vishva. It's just then I realized how hard was their lives. I would like to thank my teachers, Mme Mathis and Mme Poissel who had the idea to start a project about the sea turtles. I can't believe it's over, the time we took to learn about them was quiet short. Hope others will do it again, and I hope other students had as much fun as I had. A big thanks also for the parents who helped us in the night walk and for the students who contributed to this blog.

RAZACK Ismaïl, 4ème2

One night at the beach!

I really enjoyed this sea turtle's projet. It was very interesting and I have never spent so many hours at night on the beach .

We've seen a sea snake!

The sea turtles are in danger !
During the night my class walked on the beach with 2 vets and some parents from to but we haven't found one sea turtle.
But we have found a snake and a jellyfish.
We saved all the photos in the blog.

ThE NiGhT WaLk

It was a tragic night we had to go hunt sea turtles. We walked for many hours but we had nearly no chance of survival. We seperated into two groups, one would stay and keep an eye on the bus and the other one started the hunt and after a few hours the groups exchanged...

But we had fun I Would love to do it again!!!

FlOrIaN 4eme3

Good luck to the next class!

I think it was a very good project
I love animals so i really enjoyed it.
I learned a lot about the sea turtles during the conference so I am very happy.
When i went to the beach during the night with my friends, i hoped to see a sea turtle but unfortunatly we didn't see any.
Yet we saw a sea snake annd some jellyfish...
Well Good Luck to the next class...

Bascarane Karan

Let's do it again next year!

It was a very good project because first we knew few facts about the sea turtles. A vet came to our school and we had a conference which was very interesting. We also had a night walk but unfortunatly we didn't see any turtle. We enjoyed ourselves a lot while doing this project. But during the night walk we saw jellyfish, big fish, a snake and crabs. It was also interesting because we knew how to protect them. And I would like to do such a project next year.

Shanbhag Jannhavi 4ème3

Olive Ridley in Pondicherry

So we didn't do it!

Probably because we were too noisy...

But our vet did it! Vishva found one nesting turlte.

So you can tell your friends that Olive Ridley turtles do nest on the beaches of Pondicherry!
Ping-pong balls, aren't they!