Measures of protection

When I was like ... 10, I went to Sri-lanka with my parents and brother. And we went to a kind of zoo for turtles. There was eveything you can imagine about turtles! Even an albinos one! There were baby turtles whose eggs had been bought from fishermen for ... 5 roupies! And after hatching they let them grow up 5 days in ponds before releasing them. Like that they have more chances to survive in the ocean, they become not bigger but, their shells become harder and resist to others predators' bites (most of them).
Sarane Mathis 4eme1

In the bus, just before the nightwalk.

We found jellyfish while walking on the beach at night, but not turtles !

Photos of our nightwalk.

Food habits.

The sea turtles are omnivore. One of the favorite dishes of turtles is Crabs, shrimps, spiny lobsters of rock and jellyfish. There is a surprising lack of data on the food habits of the Olive Ridley.


The protective measure of sea turtles in India and Pondicherry

Hunters collect sea turtles from the wild and sell them to middlemen who sell them to smugglers. The use of maritime routes has increased as a means of getting these animals because security at airports have made it more difficult to sneak out by air . Smugglers out of the country usually sell them in Bangkok or Malaysia . Unfortunately these turtles are abundant in the short term and can often survive for at least 15 days without food which the end easier for traffickers of animal.

Adeline et Raghapriya 4°3

Night walk at the beach

We had a night walk at the beach on 18/03. It was a wednesday night. We went with Mme Mathis, Mme Poissel, two vets and some parents to Aryankupam beach. We were two classes who went together. It was the class of 4°2 and 4°3. We were divided in two groups and we walked along the beach. We saw jellyfishes, crabs, a snake and some plants and we asked questions to the two vets. We took some photos. We enjoyed ourselves a lot. We took a little bit of rest and we played in the water. We waited till 4h30 but we couldn't see the turtle. We were very disappointed. And we were back at 5h.

Jannhavi and Fouzia


There are many kinds of threats for the sea turtles like:
-the global warming which can cause an extinction of males
-the bright pollution which can cause death to the sea turtles
-the chemical pollution which scientists do on some parts of their body for their research
-the degradation of housing environment for the sea turtles
-the poachers or the predators who capture and kill to eat them
-the chemical pollution which provokes a sickness like fibropapillomate

Anitha and Vaishali 4éme3

Incubation and eclosion of the eggs of the turtle Olive Ridley

The turtle Olive Ridley is one of the smallest species of turtles. It has this name because of the colour of its carapace. The Olive Ridleys lay their eggs annually we call this phenomenon: "arribadas". This phenomenon relies on the lunar cycle . Incubation is the periode of time during which the embryo developpes itself till the hatching. The repectiles have to use different techniques then the other animals or birds to lay their eggs.

Santhy and Daniella

dangers for sea turtles in Tamilnadu and Pondicherry

In tamilnadu and in Pondicherry, sea turtles are in danger because of fishermen who catch them with their nets.
Pollution can kill sea turtles.
Green turtles and Olive Ridleys forage in the Gulf palk bay waters.
this is considerable concern about nesting habitats and feeding areas in Tamilnadu as an increasing number of dead turtles are found every year along the coast.
Sea turtles are very disturbed by animals and humans.
The Tsunami that struck the coast in december 2004 left lots of dead seaturtles.

by Samantha and Swatiga

Measure Protection of the turtle Olive Ridley

In the world, there are many dangers to the turtle Olive Ridley.
There are disruption of there habitat, and there are also threaten of construction of harbour and fishing. Lots of eggs was also threat by insects. There are many hunting and harvesting by the humain
By the pollution the turtle are trap in rope and they drown.
There aren't many sea turtle because the turtles don't reach the age of reproduction that is between 10 and 20 years.

Vasenthy and Arthy

Sea turtles food

Sea turtles are all omnivorus with trends more marked towards vegetables or meat based food. The sea Turtle eats mainly plants as seaweeds. It eats also jellyfishes, shrimps, small fishes, mollusks and invertebrates. Hatchlings eat jellyfishes, crabs, towelings and snails.

The sea turtle have to store a lot of energy for their migrations and their heavyweights. For that reason, the food plays a direct role on their fertility.

It was demonstrated by confirming the numbers of heavyweights(layings,eggs) and by warming the water and by supplying them more vegetation.

Mohamed Fouzia and Shanbhag Jannhavi 4°3


In India, the laying season is from December to March.

The turtles 45kg and measure 70cm.
Maturity begins between 7 to 9 years .
The laying spend between 20 to 40 minutes .
She lays between 30 to 170 eggs.
In the season, they lay 1 to 3 times in an interval of 17 to 20 days.
The eggs measure 40 mm and they are in deep of the nest between 50 to 60 cm but it depends of the temperature of the ground.

Solenn et Sivapriya 4°3

threats of sea turtles

In the past, sea turtles were very important but today they are in danger of extinction because of many threats like:
-Fishing turtles for meat, greace and shell.
-Collecting eggs ; picking up and replacing eggs in nurseries
-Pollution of lights
-Filling the shore with big stones.
-The accumalation of metal in the turtle's organism

Do not throw food, carry bags in the sea
Please Protect sea turtles and their eggs

Lamartine Joseph, Manicame Sivasankari

My class 4ème 2

We are the 4ème 2 students, we are very interested to study about seaturtles. With the help of Mme Mathis, our English teacher and Mme Poissel, our biology teacher we'v learnt about the seaturtles. We had a meeting last month with Mr. Vishva Chaitanya who is studying the seaturtles. He told us about the differents species of turtles, where they live, where they nest... It was very helpful for us.
Our class is a special class, we talk more than we study, it is not our fault, it is due to our scholar curriculum, it is not really very interesting. But when our teachers told us about the seaturtle project, we were excited, we wanted to study about them. Hope we will learn more about them.
Thank you for reading this article.

Radja, Ismaïl 4ème2

Night walk

The 17 march, wednesday night the class of 4ème2 and 4ème3 went to the beach of Virrampatinam to see sea turtles nesting. We went there at 11 with Mrs Poissel, Mrs Mathis, Mr. Chaitanya and his student and some parents. We walked more than 6km in two groups. Mme.Mathis's group caught a poisonous snake. We saw fishermen village. We saw dead fish and jellyfish and we also saw lots of crabs. We came back to the school at 5 o'clock.

We didnt see any sea turtles but we enjoyed our trip.

Location of sea turtles in India

what are the type of turtles in India?

- Olive Ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea)
- Green turtles (Chelonia mydas)
- Hawksbill tutles (Eretmochelys imbricata)
- turtles (Caretta caretta) Loggerhead
- Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea)

where are they located? where do they lay their eggs?

They are located very often close to madras and even sometimes pondicherry!
Yes that's right there are turles that come to lay there eggs in pondicherry, especialy the olive ridleys what a coincidence haha.
But bombay doesn't take very good care of them .
Well if we see one a day we will definetly protect its eggs.
Issa and ashiq.

The conference on 27/01/2010

The conference on 27/01/2010, at 11 to 12 pm was the 1st meeting between the 4ème 2 and 3 students, Mme Poissel the science professor, Mme Mathis the English professor, M Spielmann the C.P.E and the 3rd year veterinary student Vishva coming from the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College of Pondicherry, to speak to us about the sea turtles species, especially the Olive Ridley which is the most commonly found kind of sea turtles in Pondicherry. The conference was taking in place in the huge gymnastic room of our school, and of course it was so hot ! We saw cameras during that conference but we're sorry, we can't find any photos of the conference to put in this article. The veterinary student, Vishva gave us lots of informations and facts about the sea turtles like their scientific name and classes, their anatomy, population, extinction, and of course their predators like Human, and a lot more. He was speaking to us with a microphone and showing us pictures with a projector and a white screen, the images were hard to look because of the sunlight ! After his speech; we asked him lots of questions; he answered to us very confidently.
Then, suddenly, the school bell rang, the conference was finished, and..... It was lunch time !!!!

_ article by Aswin and Maghesh, 4ème 2 students

Laying eggs of a sea tutle

The female sea turtles are faster in the sea but they are very slow when they come ashore. The male sea turtles never come out from the sea. Only females come to the surface to lay eggs in the night. They lurk in the beach to find a place where they will do their nest. They dig in the sand a hole of 50 to 60 cm depth with their fore flippers. They lay from 50 to 200 eggs which look like golf balls. When the egg is layed the female sea turtle covers the eggs with sand. And then they remove the traces of the nest with their fins.
The nesting can take between 1 and 3 hours, the laying can be done from 20 to 40 minutes. When the laying is completed the sea turtles go back to the sea. But some turtles are disoriented and they die.

Menace des tortues marine à Pondicherry Tamilnadu

La population des tortues de mer semble avoir été autrefois très dense et importante. Aujourd'hui ces tortues sont très dérangées et menacées

Les tortues de mer sont péchées au chalut, pour leur viande, graisse et carapace.
Pour protéger les oeufs de tortue, il sont ramassés et replacés dans des nurseries. Ce n'est pas la meilleur solution, ils sont toujours récoltés par les populations côtières.
Les déchets marins flottants sont aussi un danger qui provoque des occlusions digestives ou un faux sentiment de satiété.
L'accumulation des métaux dans leur organisme peut avoir un rôle dans la propagation de maladies.
L'empilage de grosses pierres sur le littoral fait qu'elles ne peuvent plus pondre.
La pollution lumineuse est une autre cause de mortalité.

Threats of sea turtles at Pondicherry,Tamilnadu

In the past, turtles were very dense and important but today they are in danger of extinction ,in many threats like:
-Fishing turtles for meat,greace and shell.
-Colecting eggs ; picking up and replace eggs in nurseries
-Pollution of lights
-Filing the shore with big stones.
-The accumalation of metals in turtle's organisme

Do not throw food,carry bags in the sea
Please Protect sea turtles and their eggs

The threats of olive ridley turtle in the world

The olive ridley turtles have many threats like the poachers who are killing them for the illigal trafic of objects.
Olive Ridley turtles die because they eat offshore waste which they take for food, and fishing nets lost by fishermen stop the turtles.
She dies because men kill them too. Many dangers like the illegal trafic of their eggs continue.

In the news: ecologists ask for the protection of turtles in the United States
Lucas Caudron et Teo Reuter 4°2

The differents types of turtles in pondicherry

There are many various sorts (species) of turtles: olive ridley turtles, green turtles, leatherback turtles, loggerhead and hawksbill turtles. Olive Ridley turtles, the green turtles, turtles luth, caouanne and the imbricated turtles. Green turtles. In Pondicherry, the erosion of beaches (ranges) is one of the main threats for the housing environments of nesting of the turtles.

The pondicherry government has built a sea wall along the coast which prevents the hatchlings of sea turtles and there are many rules to use TED. But the rules are not very rich.

Syam et Gunalan, 4ème 3

Presence of the Olive Ridley in the globe.

Olive Ridleys are globally distributed in the tropical regions of the South Atlantic, Pacific and in the indian ocean. In the Eastern Pacific, they come from Southern California to Northern Chile. They come on a few beaches worldwide in the eastern Pacific and northern Indian oceans. In the eastern Pacific, they come from June to December on some beaches on the coasts of Mexico, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica and on a single beach in Panama. In the northern Indian Ocean, they come on three different beaches along the coast of India. Their nesting has been documented in approximately 40 countries worldwide. The olive ridley is mainly a pelagic sea turtle. In the glob the fishermen are found more than 24000 olive ridleys. They are mostly present in the south.

Bernadette, 4ème3

Olive ridleys' incubation

To incubate is to lay eggs. Sea turtles lay 50 to 100 eggs by clutch . They mostly nest in the seashore of Africa and Orissa. They lay 1 to 9 clutches per year.
The embryo's development is possible only in temperatures between 28 to 32°C. If they not suit to the climat, we should incubate them artificially.
Incubation time is 45 to 70 days. When the embryo develops, it may depend on the temperature. Higher temperature produce more females and lower temperature produce more males.
At last the new sea turtles are ready to hatch (mostly in summer).

Sushmitha and Sona 4ème2

Protection measures

The turtles face many threats in India. We can find some protection measures of the turtles in India, like Greenpeace which is against the construction of the Dhamra port, in Orissa, which could kill the turtles and other marine species.

S.K.Dutta, a member of the IUNC, International Union for the Nature Conservation declared that this port is not good for the local ecology. Several turtles come at the beaches in Orissa for nesting. Greenpeace says that more than 120.000 turtles died in Orissa, during these
twelve last years. The construction of the port takes place in a breeding ground for the turtles. The IUNC made an agreement with DPCL, the company which wanted to build the port of Dhamra, so that the IUNC can investigate on how they can build the port without it becomes a threat for the turtles.

Ismaïl, Radja 4ème2